How Networking Changed My Perspective on Job Searching

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When I first started to look for a job and pivot in my career I didn’t have much direction. All these changes were happening and there was a feeling of having to find something right away. I remember sitting on LinkedIn looking through jobs with no real focus or plan. It's difficult to feel motivated and productive when you lose your job and don't have a built in structure to adhere to

Little by little I found different websites or groups that helped me feel like I was on the right track. An old colleague of mine that I reached out to suggested I look into the site Teal. She had also lost her job and we reconnected and started doing Zoom calls every couple weeks, sharing information and opportunities. I am so grateful to her for spending the time with me each week to share and connect. 

She recommended the book The 20 Minute Networking Meeting to me and it really changed my perspective. I was focusing so much on the act of “looking for a job” that I wasn’t tapping into my network and trying to grow it - which is what actually does get people jobs. In the book the author mentions that 70% of jobs are found through networking - most jobs posted are already filled, they just have to post it for legal reasons, so if you are looking for a job - you have to network. 

This really helped me because it took some of the pressure off. I love people and connecting with someone new so I can do this. I joined Lunchclub and started meeting new people each week. I found the co-lab which was amazing for me. Teal was really focused on finding a job in general - not specific to the fashion, beauty, lifestyle space. So when I found the co-lab which is a member-led community in the fashion, beauty, wellness, and luxury space I was so happy! I started putting myself out there and joining Zoom meetings every week - it was hard at first because it seemed like everyone had these amazing big jobs and I always felt like I “fell into” my career in luxury retail. I wasn’t used to speaking about my experience in a confident or positive way, but, with practice, I have realized that my previous experience taught me so many important and valuable skills. I am so grateful to have met some amazing women in the process. 

I joined every relevant webinar (Forbes, BoF, Vogue) I could find to learn and be exposed to anyone in the fashion, business, or luxury space. I took notes and connected with anyone I could that said something that resonated with me. There is a real estate company in Boston that I always wanted to work for because they create amazing retail spaces in luxury environments. Carina, who I knew from my time at Saks is the Head of Retail Incubation there and was doing a webinar about the state of retail, so I joined.

Another one of the panelists was Meghan Houle - she had so much positivity and joy when she spoke I just had to reach out. I sent her a message on LinkedIn and we ended up meeting for coffee. Turns out she is a recruiter and coach and an all around amazing person. We were able to help each other out and do some coaching work together and have stayed in touch. I always think about how one thing leads to another - how if I never worked at Saks I wouldn't have met Carina and wouldn’t know about that webinar to have met Meghan etc etc. There are so many examples like that which encourage me that I’m doing something right. 

Networking doesn't have to be scary or weird. It's really more about looking at your community and taking stock of who is in your life. What are they doing that's awesome that you want to learn about? Have a quick call with someone and learn about them. It doesn't always have to be about finding “the job.” How can you help someone else? How can you share your network with someone just starting out? How can you pay it forward? Making connections with people and letting them know what you are up to, what you are good at, and what you are looking for IS networking. Throughout the last year I have come to realize that my experience is valuable and worth sharing. I have had so many people help me along the way and I am looking forward to doing the same for others as I continue to network and define my next chapter. 


How to Put Yourself Out There and Find Your Community in a Brand New Place